Every New Year bring with it new hopes and scope for new opportunities. While we reflect on the past sometimes wish that things could have been batter, and there is always scope for making things right in the present and future. Life gives us more than one chance in this regard. A new Year is one such opportunity for us to make things better and improve ourselves as a person.

This can all start with some things as simple as drinking more glasses of water per day, You can also start exercising or Playing sports. Your Body and its functions are precious.
They support you in living better life. So, taking care of them by proper diet and physical activity should be of prime importance to You. An aspect often ignored is our mental health. If you feel tensed or stressed out, find ways and time to relax yourself. Instead of stressing our over things, focus on finding ways to counter the things that are making you stressed.
Remember the last time You felt bad due to your lack of preparation for the exam? Leaving all the learning for the last minute is not good. Prepare a daily schedule or time table to allocate a fixed time for studies and play for each day. Follow the time table to make sure that you get most out of each day and, in the process, make the most out of your life.
There might also be things around you that distract you from the following your schedule and maintaining a disciplined approach to life. remove or avoid them so that things become easier for you.
Help your parents n house hold chores. Also help your other family members. Engaging in social and community work also pays. Participate in events organised by your school that are directed towards social and environmental issue. Remember that the great thing about being part of a community is that, just like a family. You might also assist your friends and siblings with studies or in other matters where they need a helping hand.
This New Year, you resolve hold back from sharing your problems, whether a big or small, with your parents, family or acquaintances. The longer you avoid sharing your problems, the more the problem will consume you.
Most of the times, a problem is not as big as it seems to be. If we analyse it and get to the bottom of it, rather than scratching on the surface, and then it becomes easier to solve.
Your mental approach towards things in life also creates problems. A methodical approach is needed to solve problems just like any other important thing in your life.
Do a little soul-searching and plan what you want in life. it is not fruitful to just with for the things. you have to actually put in efforts to get what you want. if what you want is right for you, then collect the necessary information and go all out for it.
Nothing is impossible, put in your best effort with his believe in mind. Just make sure before hand that what you want and the way you get it is right for you and your family.
Limit internet and screen usage
Perhaps this is one resolution that applies to nearly all of us. It is vital for us to cut down internet and cell phone use and engage in more healthy activities. Instead of playing games on electronic devices and cell phones, focus more on games that involve in social and physical activities.
Take extra care in sharing private information of yourself and your family on internet. Avoid interacting with strangers on social networking sites and apps.even if they seem reliable and friendly.
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